Top 5 Hot Disk�����īI(xi��n)
���@��ƪ������Hot Disk�īI(xi��n)�У������������˼��������ͬ�ԡ������ԡ�ƽ������Ĥ�ͱȟ�y������������߀ӑՓ��Ӌ�㷽����С̽�^��ʹ�÷�����ISO 22007-2��(bi��o)��(zh��n)�ǻ��څ����īI(xi��n)1��4��
1. ”Transient plane source techniques for thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity measurements of solid materials”
Gustafsson, S.E.
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 62 (3), 797-804 (1991).
2. ”Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat of thin samples from transient measurement with Hot Disk sensors”
Gustavsson, M., Karawacki, E., and Gustafsson, S.E.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 65 (12), 3856 (1994).
3. ”On the Use of Transient Plane Source Sensors for Studying Materials with Direction Dependent Properties”
Gustavsson, M. and Gustafsson, S.E.
Proceedings of the 26th International Thermal Conductivity Conference, Massachusetts, Cambridge, 6–8 August 2005, edited by R. Dinwiddie (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 2004), p. 367–377.
4. ”On the Use of the Hot Disk Thermal Constants Analyser for Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Thin Samples of Electrically Insulating Materials”
Gustavsson, J.S., Gustavsson, M., and Gustafsson, S.E.
Thermal Conductivity 24, Eds. P.S. Gaal, D.E. Apostolescu (Lancaster, MA: Technomic), p. 116-122 (1997).
5. ”Specific heat measurements with the Hot Disk thermal constants analyser”
Gustavsson, M., Saxena, N.S., Karawacki, E, and Gustafsson, S.E.
Thermal Conductivity 23, Eds. K.E. Wilkes, R.B. Dinwiddie, R.S. Graves (Lancaster, MA: Technomic) p. 56-65 (1995).
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���@ƪ�·f�ĸ��µ������в���Hot Disk TPSϵ�y(t��ng)�о���խ��150nm��϶�Ľ���ݗ��Q�������P(gu��n)����M(j��n)���@y����Ԕ��(x��)�f���d��ԓ����:
“Dynamic measurement of near-field radiative heat transfer”
S. Lang, G. Sharma, S. Molesky, P. U. Kränzien, T. Jalas, Z. Jacob, A. Yu. Petrov and M. Eich
Nature Scientific Reports, Volume 7, 13916 (2017)
�������ڜy���^���П���ΏĂ������ς�����Hot Disk�������ğ�ģ�M�^�����������@ƪ��(sh��)�õ��������ҵ�:
“Finite element modeling of the Hot Disc method”
B.M. Mihiretie, D. Cederkrantz, A. Rosén, H. Otterberg, M. Sundin, S.E. Gustafsson and M. Karlsteen
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 115, Part B, December 2017, Pages 216–223.
Hot Disk�Y(ji��)��(g��u)̽�^���¹��ܽ���ڴ������У�
“Thermal conductivity versus depth profiling of inhomogeneous materials using the hot disc technique”
A. Sizov, D. Cederkrantz, L. Salmi, A. Rosén, L. Jacobson, S. E. Gustafsson, and M. Gustavsson
Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 074901 (2016)
�@ƪ����ӑՓ���u�r��Hot Disk�Y(ji��)��(g��u)̽�^�Č�(sh��)�H��(y��ng)�ã�
“Thermal depth profiling of materials for defect detection using hot disk technique”
B. M. Mihiretie, D. Cederkrantz, a), M. Sundin, A. Rosén, H. Otterberg, Å. Hinton, B. Berg, and M. Karlsteen
AIP Advances 6, 085217 (2016)
”On Power Variation in Self-Heated Thermal Sensors”
Gustavsson, M., and Gustafsson, S.E.
Thermal Conductivity 27, pp. 338-346 (2005)
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ISO 22007-2
“Dynamic plane-source technique for the study of the thermal transport properties of solids”
Karawacki, E., and Suleiman, B.M.
High Temp.-High Press. 23, 215- 223 (1991)
“Parameter estimations for measurements of thermal transport properties with the hot disk thermal constants analyzer”
Bohac, V., Gustavsson, M.K., Kubicar, L., and Gustafsson, S.E.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71 (6), 2452-2455 (2000)
“Thermal properties of lithium sulphate”
Suleiman, B.M., Gustavsson, M., Karawacki, E., and Lundén, A.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 30, 2553 (1997)
���@ƪ�īI(xi��n)��Hot Disk���g(sh��)�������о�ľ�ĵğ����(d��o)���|(zh��)��
“Thermal conductivity and diffusivity of wood”
B. M. Suleiman, J. Larfeldt, B. Leckner and M. Gustavsson
Wood Science and Technology (1999) 33: 465
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“Thermal conductivity as an indicator of fat content in milk”
M. Gustavsson and Gustafsson, S.E.
Thermochimica Acta, Volume 442, Issues 1–2, 15 March 2006, Pages 1-5